Then check the strength of the pulse to see if it is strong or weak and if the rhythm is regular or irregular. 然后检测一下脉搏的强度,看脉搏跳动是有力还是微弱,节奏是规律还是不规律。
Meandering her history, every period of years have witnessed sunrise and sunset and marshes, each section has a history of glory and pain are related to the pulse of the common rhythm. 她的历史蜿蜒曲折,每一段岁月都见证着日出日落的沧海桑田,每一段曾经的辉煌与阵痛都与历史的脉搏共同律动。
The pulse is differentiated in terms of depth ( superficial or deep), speed ( rapid or slow), strength ( forceful or weak), shape ( thick or thready, soft or hard) and rhythm. 脉应区分其的沉浮、快慢、强弱、形状和节律。
It may have this strange sort of pulse, sort of rhythm that causes you pain. 它可能会有这种奇怪的脉搏,某种让你感到痛的节奏。
The pulse should be recorded as not just the rate but also the rhythm. 脉搏不仅要记录频率,而且要记录节律。
Learn to clap the pulse and rhythm. 学会拍歌曲和歌词的节奏。
Objective To investigate the relationship between pure systolic hypertension cerebral hemorrhage and age, pulse pressure and circadian rhythm changes. 目的探讨纯收缩期高血压脑出血患者的发病与年龄、脉压及昼夜节律变化的关系。
Flood pulse classification was brought forward: Zoology disaster flood pulse, Zoology disturbance flood pulse; and, it was discussed that how dam reservoir scheduling affected runoff rhythm, flood pulse, the water temperature, dissolve gas in the runoff respectively. 本文提出了洪水脉冲的分类:灾害洪水脉冲、生态洪水脉冲:并分别讨论了大坝水库调度对河流的径流节律、洪水脉冲、水温、溶解气体的影响。
Pulse signal is one of the most primary physiological signals, including the pulse frequency, the pulse rhythm, pulse-filling ratio, state of stream, state of motion, fluctuation amplitude and so on. 脉象信号,是人体最重要的生理信号之一,包括频率、节律、充盈度、通畅的情况、动势的和缓、波动的幅度等。